Logoskop daily shows The Word under Windows, multiple Bible editions, with optional integrated download of more Bible editions or texts for other years.
The installer contains The Word 2025 for:
You can download additional languages for 2025, e.g. the Greek Filos Pergamos Bible, directly in Logoskop (menu File | Organize The Word), when they are available on our server.
If Logoskop fails to access our server (maybe due to restricted internet access in a company), you may download the verses as a .twd file directly in your browser (from the page Bible Editions Available), then import them into Logoskop (via menu File | Organize The Word).
Hints for installation: If installation e.g. into C:\Program Files
results in trouble with Windows permissions, please try to install into
a different folder. At the start of the installation, the installer asks
you for the language of the installer dialogs - this has no effect on
the set of Bible editions that will be installed!
View The Word - multiple languages in one window, select date, adapt font and colours; works offline (does not require internet connection)
Optionally Online Update - Download The Word for additional Bible editions in various languages and other years directly in Logoskop from the Internet.
Optionally The Word as email signature - Logoskop can produce an email signature, so that The Word is automatically inserted into your new emails.
System requirements: Windows 10/11
Author: Helmut Steeb (hs2013 at bible2 . net) (Homepage in German)
(Software version 3.0.2 2009-09-30)
Links around Logoskop:
2013-12-17 • HSteeb