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Biblia 2.0 La Biblia explica si misma La Palabra en tu página web | Biblia 2.0

La Palabra en tu página web

Incorpora el código HTML siguiente en tu página:

<iframe width='200' height='300' src=''> Your browser does not support iframe. </iframe>

The address returns The Word as HTML elements in a complete HTML page.

You may replace "ReinaValera1995" by any other of the supported Bible editions. Please use the Bible name that does not contain no blanks or special characters.

We cannot guarantee that this service will be available at all times! As an alternative to using this online service, you may download one of the packages that contain the text of The Word for one year!

Layout with CSS

The HTML elements have CSS class attributes (for a description of the CSS classes, see the page about Online HTML Fragments). Using CSS you can adapt the layout of The Word to the layout of your site. Create a CSS file on your server, and pass the link to the CSS file as a parameter:

<iframe width='200' height='300'
Your browser does not support iframe. </iframe>

2013-12-17 • HSteeb